Why You Need to Stop Smoking Today?

Why You Need to Stop Smoking Today?

Why You Need to Stop Smoking Today? It is still one of the most solicited subjects when people hear about my hypnosis skills. Do you do smoking cessation? Can you make me stop smoking? This led me into thinking having an article about stop smoking on this blog as...
The sky is the limit, or not?

The sky is the limit, or not?

The sky is the limit is an often-heard expression in the self-development world. You more or less can accomplish anything you set your mind to. I want to nuance this expression a bit. In my opinion, “The sky is the limit” is a far to general way to express...
How positive affirmations can change your life?

How positive affirmations can change your life?

After my last post on positive self-talk, whereby I mentioned the use of positive affirmations, I got some requests on expanding a bit on the positive affirmation subject. Positive affirmations I could not repeat myself enough: “Having a positive attitude is the key...
How to develop an innovative personality?

How to develop an innovative personality?

Does it take a special breed of people to be innovative? Do they possess a specific skill? Innovative thinking A couple of years ago I was a guest speaker at a IT-security event to talk about using creativity to Innovate. Now, more than ever, I am convinced that there...