Obesity with Children jeopardising adult life

Obese children are a result of bad parenting! Having too much overweight is called obesity. Obesity is a condition that can shorten your life and can seriously affect you, mentally and physically. Yesterday, I read an article about the massive growth of this...

Espresso or not to espresso, that is the question!

You might think, what is a post about a specific type of coffee, espresso, doing on an a life improvement boot camp blog. Well let me elaborate a bit on the subject to draw you a picture which might make sense to get a post on this subject on this blog after all....

Action Mindset – Creates Confidence

Today, I have something very different. A dear friend of mine and a fellow author & Speaker wrote the below post on his take how you can boost your confidence and self esteem, by developing the right mindset. Please enjoy Richard Saupe’s thoughts. The action...