Increase your self-image

Increase your self-image

Self-image is about feeling How you see yourself goes a long way with how you feel about yourself and how you perceive others are seeing  you and thinking of you. If you think positively on the inside then you will glow with confidence on the outside and come across...
Prepare a vegetarian Thanksgiving meal

Prepare a vegetarian Thanksgiving meal

Although this post is about catering the need of a Vegetarian Thanksgiving Day, I would like to expand the scope a bit. Last August I was sitting with some friends in the U.S. after attending a convention in Vegas. We started discussing on healthy food and healthy...
Traits of a Dynamic Personality

Traits of a Dynamic Personality

Showing a dynamic personality In my coaching/consulting activities I not only encounter executives, but I am often lucky (due to my nature, I guess) to meet with a lot of the actual owners of the companies who hire me or who I interact with. Might that be small or...